With the local property market under pressure from government restrictions, an increasing number of Chinese investors are now shifting their focus to overseas. They're planning to purchase investment properties abroad.
Overseas homes are becoming hot property for investors in Shanghai.
In the first half of September alone, nearly 100 housing projects from more than 10 overseas cities have been promoted in Shanghai.
High-end homes account for the majority of properties on offer - over 70 percent. Housing developers from abroad are using various strategies, including promises of higher return rates and the appeal of a permanent freehold, to attract Chinese buyers.
James Choo, VP of Investment Promotion of Malaysia Property Inc. said, "We set the minimum threshold of home value at 500 thousand Malaysian ringgit, and most of the exhibitors are in a similar range, promoting homes worth between 3 to 9 million RMB."
With the local property market under pressure from government restrictions, an increasing number of Chinese investors are now shifting their focus to overseas. |
Some Chinese investors are looking within the Asian region for new opportunities. They're hoping there's plenty of room for home prices to appreciate.
A home buyer said, "The property market in Malaysia hasn't fully developed yet, and the development of luxury homes has just started. So prices of those houses will appreciate. "
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