A website which steers Chinese buyers towards overseas real estate agents says it has seen a huge increase in cashed-up Chinese wanting to buy in
New Zealand.

Westcoast Treetops Walkway and Cafe, New Zealand
A year ago, New Zealand was the tenth most popular country for Chinese property investment. This year, New Zealand had jumped from tenth to fifth - climbing countries such as Malaysia and Germany - in a year-on-year chart of where Chinese were pursuing offshore property. It has now jumped halfway up the list as its popularity surges. A quarter of all foreign buyers of New Zealand property are now Chinese.
The statistics also showed 50 per cent of Chinese living in New Zealand were very happy here, a low figure here ascribed to the younger, more transient population here compared to more established Chinese diaspora in places like the US.
Property agencies believe that it is to be a trend and a consistent trend and an insight into future trends for Chinese investing New Zealand properties.
Source:Find Properties Overseas edit
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